

Innovativa rete tubolare suturabile per l'approssimazione dei tessuti

Per sutura chirurgica si intende la procedura che permette di avvicinare stabilmente i lembi di un tessuto, che presenta una discontinuità dei suoi piani anatomici, favorendone la cicatrizzazione. 

Le riparazioni con le suture convenzionali, quando sollecitate, possono fallire per la loro rottura, slittamento del nodo, o quando la sutura lacera il tessuto intermedio.

E’ da questa esperienza che nasce l’esigenza di una nuova tecnica di chiusura, che utilizza strisce di rete in polipropilene macroporoso ,il Duramesh, come sutura per la chiusura di difetti della parete addominale dovuti ai fallimenti delle suture standard e difficoltà con reti planari 

MSP100-5DURAMESHTM 2-0 Small Needle DR20B91 cm, Ø 1.5 mm2-0Arancione5 pz
MSP200-5DURAMESHTM 0 Small Needle HR22B91 cm, Ø 2.6 mm0Turchese5 pz
MSP201-5DURAMESHTM 0 Large Needle HR4891 cm, Ø 2.6 mm0Blu5 pz
MSP300-5DURAMESHTM 1 Small Needle HR26B91 cm, Ø 3.9 mm1Rosso5 pz
MSP301-5DURAMESHTM 1 Large Needle HR4891 cm, Ø 3.9 mm1Viola5 pz
MSP500-5DURAMESHTM 2 Small Needle HR26B91 cm, Ø 4.1 mm2Giallo5 pz
MSP501-5DURAMESHTM 2 Large Needle HR5091 cm, Ø 4.1 mm2Verde5 pz

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Approfondimenti scientifici

Biomechanical Properties of a Novel Mesh
2022 - Stephen J. Wallace, MD,* Lauren M. Mioton, MD,† Robert M. Havey, MS,‡ Muturi G. Muriuki, PhD,‡ Jason H. Ko, MD†

Conventional suture repairs, when stressed, fail by suture rupture, knot slippage, or suture pull-through, when the suture cuts through the intervening tissue. The purpose of this study was to compare the biomechanical properties of flexor tendon repairs using a novel mesh suture with traditional suture repairs.

Evaluation of a new suture material (DurameshTM) by measuring suture tension in small and large bites techniques for laparotomy closure
in a porcine model
2022 - Y. Yurtkap · F. P. J. den Hartog · W. van Weteringen · J. Jeekel · G. J. Kleinrensink · J. F. Lange

After closure of laparotomies, sutures may pull through tissue due to too high intra-abdominal pressure or suture tension, resulting in burst abdomen and incisional hernia. The objective of this study was to measure the suture tension in small and large bites with a new suture material.

Suturable Mesh Demonstrates Improved Outcomes over Standard Suture in a Porcine Laparotomy Closure Model
2022 - Gregory A. Dumanian, MD

The small bites surgical technique supported by the STITCH trial has been touted as a strategy for Laparotomy closures fail due to suture pull-through. I hypothesize that a suturable mesh may limit pull-through via mechanisms of force distribution and fibrous encapsulation of the device filaments.

Suturable mesh better resists early laparotomy failure in a cyclic ball‐burst model
2022 - Stephen J. Wallace, MD,* Lauren M. Mioton, MD,† Robert M. Havey, MS,‡ Muturi G. Muriuki, PhD,‡ Jason H. Ko, MD†

The small bites surgical technique supported by the STITCH trial has been touted as a strategy for preventing early laparotomy dehiscence through greater force distribution at the suture–tissue interface. However, this hernia prevention strat- egy requires an alteration in the standard closure technique that has not been widely adopted in the USA. This study seeks to determine whether incorporating a mid-weight polypropylene mesh material into a hollow-bore surgical suture material will effectively increase the force distribution at the suture–tissue interface and potentially help prevent early laparotomy dehiscence in an ex vivo model.

An In Vivo Comparison: Novel Mesh Suture Versus Traditional Suture- Based Repair in a Rabbit Tendon Model
2022 - Lindsay E. Janes, MD, Lauren M. Mioton, MD, Megan E. Fracol, MD, Jason H. Ko, MD, MBA

Despite advancements in surgical techniques, suture pull-though and rupture continue to limit the early range of motion and functional rehabilitation after flexor tendon repairs. The aim of this study was to evaluate a suturable mesh compared with a commonly used braided suture in an in vivo rabbit intrasynovial tendon model.